
Τρίτη 25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012

Future Projects

P.S.: This page will change every time it will release a new video movie

Coming Soon:

 by Leonard Thimo & Popi Kavoy. ©  (pre-production)
-Ο Άντρας που Έσωσε την Χώρα (Aπό την Κρίση)/ 
The Man who Save the Country (From Crisis)  (Video 2015) by Tony Meramveliotakis & Leonard Thimo.
The man who save his country from Crisis. A Video short Production by Alien Pictures Studio & Tony Enterprises with Guns, Bombs and Special Effects that will shock down the system!!!  © (filming)

Alien Pictures Studio

- "The Life and Death of a Comedian" 
              (fly me to the moon)  (Video Documentary) by Anestis Dalezis. (still editing)
From 2007 until our days the life of Leonard Thimo. To make his dream Reality!! Entire work of Leonardo Thimo in a video documentary that talk and comment friends and acquaintances about this new comedian.  A Video Documentary by Anestis Dalezis. Original music by SaudDaham & DJ-Babis C-Fus. Director of Photography: Lazaros Manolakakis. Edited by Milosh Miljkovich. Associate Producer:Tony Meramveliotakis Produced by Leonard Thimo & Anestis Dalezis. Based on the Comedic Project "The Life and Death of a Comedian" by Leonard Thimo. Screenplay by Anestis Dalezis, Tony Meramveliotakis & Leonard Thimo. Directed by Anestis Dalezis © (????)

-Leonard Thimo: A Hard Act to Follow (Mini-series Documentary 2019) by Lazaros Manolakakis.
A mini-series about the life, career and works of the movie comedy genius.
Edited & Directed by Lazaros Manolakakis © (announced)
-Jesus Christ and the Twelves (Video Movie) by Anestis Dalezis, Lazaros Manolakakis, Leonard Thimo & Tony Meramveliotakis.
The new video production of ALIEN PICTURES STUDIO about the life of Jesus Christ. Follow the  comic footsteps of Monty Pythons ©  (canceled)

"Σαν Παλιό Σινεμά" (Online Series 2017) by Leonard Thimo. Directed by Kilorenzo$ $mith.
Like Old Cinema© (announced)

"Captain Jokes Parrot's Finding Lost Atlantis" (2019)~Alien Pictures Studio in the memory of the acclaimed director Nick Papadakis and  best friend Anestis Dalezis will present the new comic-spoof movie "Captain Jokes Parrot's Finding Lost Atlantis" with the comic genius Leonard Thimo in the title role & many Guest Appearances.With caustic humor and clever jokes will be the biggest event of the Year!! © (announced)


Create Animations from Youtube

Here are the animations that made directly from Youtube Channel. These videos made in Youtube for the ordinary circuit of the Αdvertisement!! The 1st episode started in 3 October 2011 and the last closed the series in 31 December 2015. Have a nice time watching the whole Animations Series.

Short Animation Series:  

"The Twenty-Eight Hits for Laughs" by Kilorenzos Smith. 

(2011-2015 Online-Series)
2.Shaquille O'Neal mentioned Areallyman007's Channel

1.Captain Jack Sparrow Mentioned Areallyman007's Videos
Captain Jack Sparrow and another pirate mentioned Areallyman007's Videos. Many thanks!! (English Language)

2.Shaquille O'Neal Mentioned Areallyman007's Channel
Shaquille O'Neal the basketball player and a female reporter mentioned Areallyman007's videos. Many thanks!! (English Language)

3.Who the hell is Orlando Bloom? Gossip Ladies Mentioned Areallyman007's Channel
 (English Language) True Event: Leonard Thimo had gone to watch Troy in Cinema and two girls commented about Orlando Bloom :Watch,watch Legolas stars  here in this movie!!! Leonard asked:Did you mean Orlando Bloom? They said: Who the Hell is Orlando Bloom? No comments!!!

4.Fast Food Mentioned Areallyman007's Videos  
Fast Food mentioned Areallyman007's Videos. Many thanks! (English Language)

5.Zoo Animals Mentioned Areallyman007's Videos 
Zoo Animals mentioned Areallyman007's videos. Many thanks! (English Language)

6.Soldiers Mentioned Areallyman007"s Videos 
Soldiers Mentioned Areallyman007 Videos. Many thanks!! (English Language)
Ο Κερατάς(2012)

>O Κερατάς Νο.1 (Greek Language)

>O Κερατάς Νο.2 (Greek Language)
>O Κερατάς Νο.3 (Greek Language)

>O Κερατάς Νο.4 (Greek Language)

O Κερατάς  (Greek Language)
Full Parts in One Video

7.Special Place: Mentioned Areallyman007's Videos I  
(English Language) Full Parts in One Video
2012 Catastrophical Part oNe

>2012 Catastrophical Part oNe (Greeklish Language)

>2012 Catastrophical Part TwO (Greeklish Language)

8. S.E.X. (Story Emo X-men) Mentioned Areallyman007's Channel 
This video created in website http://goanimate.com/ and they continue consistently differently and creative their way until our days. (English Language)

9.Who kill Leonardo? Ninja Mentioned Areallyman007's Channel
(English Language)

>2012 Catastrophical Final Part Three (Greeklish Language)

>2012 Catastrophical Conclusion Part Four (Greeklish Language)

Η Κακόμοιρα Απατημένη Συζύγος (2012) (Greek Language)

10.Konstantinou & Elenis Mentioned Areallyman007's Videos (Greek Language)

11.Talking Phones Mentioned Areallyman007's Videos (English Language)

Χαρούμενα Χέρια (2012) HD (Greek Language)

12. Barack Obama Get Informated for

Areallyman007's Videos

12.Barack Obama Get Informated for Areallyman007's Videos (HD)
(English Language)

2012 Catastrophical Full Part 1 to 4 (Greeklish Language)

13. Cat and Rabbit Mentioned Areallyman007's Videos 
 (English Language)

14.Special Place: Mentioned Areallyman007's Videos II (HD)
(English Language) Full Parts in One Video

Puffy & Sandy: Opening Day Olympic Games 
A short animation for Olympic Games in English language created in GoAnimate. Voices by Leonard Thimo.

Άλκης και Νώρα: Ημέρα Έναρξης Ολυμπιακών Aγώνων (2012)


Puffy & Sandy: Opening Day Olympic Games (2012)

Άλκης και Νώρα: Ημέρα Έναρξης Ολυμπιακών Aγώνων 
A short animation for Olympic Games in Greek language created in GoAnimate. Voices by Leonard Thimo.

1. DEATH by Leonard Thimo
A short animation for Death.

2. LIFE by Leonard Thimo  
A short animation for Life.

Areallyman007 is Back in Action!! (HD) 
(Greeklish Language)

Le Grande Finale: Areallyman007's Channel (HD)
(English Language) 

Areallyman007's New Adventure Part One (Greek Language)
Based on the story "3 (Trois-Tres-Tre-Three-Τρία)" by Leonard Thimo.
Areallyman007's New Adventure Part Two (Greek Language)
Based on the story "3 (Trois-Tres-Tre-Three-Τρία)" by Leonard Thimo.

Areallyman007's New Adventure Part Three (Greek Language)
Based on the story "3 (Trois-Tres-Tre-Three-Τρία)" by Leonard Thimo.

Areallyman007's New Adventure Part Four (Greek Language)
 Based on the story "3 (Trois-Tres-Tre-Three-Τρία)" by Leonard Thimo. 

Areallyman007's New Adventure Part Five (Greek Language)
Based on the story "3 (Trois-Tres-Tre-Three-Τρία)" by Leonard Thimo.

Areallyman007's New Adventure Part Six (Greek Language)
Based on the story "3 (Trois-Tres-Tre-Three-Τρία)" by Leonard Thimo.

A Leonard Short Story (English Language) 
Paw the Zebra and Dumbo the Elephant mentioned the crew members of Alien Pictures Studio, Tony Enterprises and Cries Entertainment. (Leonard, Tony, Hulk, Anestis, Lazaros and Cries)

A Tony Short Story (English Language)
Paw the Zebra and Dumbo the Elephant mentioned the crew members of Alien Pictures Studio, Tony Enterprises and Cries Entertainment. (Leonard, Tony, Hulk, Anestis, Lazaros and Cries)

A Hulk Short Story (English Language) 
Paw the Zebra and Dumbo the Elephant mentioned the crew members of Alien Pictures Studio, Tony Enterprises and Cries Entertainment. (Leonard, Tony, Hulk, Anestis, Lazaros and Cries)

An Anestis  Short Story (English Language) 
Paw the Zebra and Dumbo the Elephant mentioned the crew members of Alien Pictures Studio, Tony Enterprises and Cries Entertainment. (Leonard, Tony, Hulk, Anestis, Lazaros and Cries)

A Lazaros Short Story (English Language) 
Paw the Zebra and Dumbo the Elephant mentioned the crew members of Alien Pictures Studio, Tony Enterprises and Cries Entertainment. (Leonard, Tony, Hulk, Anestis, Lazaros and Cries)

A Cries Short Story (English Language) 
Paw the Zebra and Dumbo the Elephant mentioned the crew members of Alien Pictures Studio, Tony Enterprises and Cries Entertainment. (Leonard, Tony, Hulk, Anestis, Lazaros and Cries)

Χαριτωμένη Ταράτσα Boys No.1
(Greeklish Language)
Χαριτωμένη Ταράτσα Boys No.2
(Greeklish Language)

Χαριτωμένη Ταράτσα Boys No.3
(Greeklish Language) 

Χαριτωμένη Ταράτσα Boys No.4
(Greeklish Language)

The 28 Hits Part OnE
(Greek Language)

The 28 Hits Part TwO
(Greek Language)

The 28 Hits Part ThrEE
(Greek Language)

The 28 Hits Part FouR
(Greek Language)

The 28 Hits Part FivE
(Greek Language)

The 28 Hits Part SiX
(Greek Language)

Areallyman007's Last Laugh No.1: XXX!!! 
The last part of the series "The Twenty-Eight Hits for Laughs" by Leonard Thimo.
 (English Language)

Areallyman007's Last Laugh No.2: Merry Christmas!!! 
The last part of the series "The Twenty-Eight Hits for Laughs" by Leonard Thimo.
(Greeklish Language)

Areallyman007's Last Laugh No.3: Happy New Year!!! (Special)
The last part of the series "The Twenty-Eight Hits for Laughs" by Leonard Thimo.
(Greeklish Language)

Areallyman007's Last Laugh No.4: END!!! 
The last part of the series "The Twenty-Eight Hits for Laughs" by Leonard Thimo.
(Greeklish Language)

The Twenty-Eight Hits for Laughs End this Season!!
Directed by Kilorenzos Smith & Spyros Gozis. An all new season!!  (English Language)

Our Company 2011-2016
Directed by Kilorenzos Smith & Spyros Gozis. An all new season!!  (English Language)

Untitled Powtoon for the Competition
Directed by Kilorenzos Smith & Spyros Gozis. An all new season!! (English Language)

Untitled Powtoon for Anybody
Directed by Kilorenzos Smith & Spyros Gozis. An all new season!! (English Language)

The Hoppus Leo
Directed by Kilorenzos Smith & Spyros Gozis. An all new season!! (English Language)

                                                                  THE END